None of Mozart’s music would exist today without the support of dozens of patrons. In just the same way, Aurora’s journey through all 27 piano concertos has relied on the support of our Mozart’s Piano Concerto Patrons & Friends.
Mozart’s Piano is Aurora’s greatest adventure to date: a five-year project which for the first time in the modern era gives British audiences the opportunity to hear all 27 of Mozart’s piano concertos performed in a single intimate venue by the same orchestra. Add to that a roster of guest soloists which includes some of the great pianists of our age, and a diverse wealth of other repertoire from Bach to Birtwistle, and you have the makings of something very special indeed.
Launched at Aurora’s Kings Place home in January 2016, such an ambitious undertaking requires substantial investment. Just as Mozart was reliant on the support of benefactors to bring his concertos into existence almost 250 years ago, so too are we grateful for the support of a group of 21st-century patrons who are enabling us to mount this unique cycle of concerts.
As we reach the culmination of the series in 2020 we would like you to join us. Our Concerto Patrons programme invites supporters to ‘adopt’ a concerto, either individually or as a group. Mozart’s Piano Concerto patronage starts from £3,500 per concerto. In recognition of your support you can expect:
- Access to the closed rehearsal on the afternoon of the concert you support
- A copy of a Bärenreiter study score for the concerto, signed by the conductor and soloist
- A pair of tickets for the concert
- An invitation to an interval drinks reception
- Name credit under the concerto listing in the concert programme
- Name credit in the Mozart’s Piano supporters list on the Aurora website during year of gift
To find out more and discuss support, please contact Caroline Harris, Director of Development & Strategic Planning on +44 (0)20 7014 2804 or

Thank you
Aurora gratefully acknowledges support from our Concerto Patrons:
Series supporters
An Aurora Patron who wishes to remain anonymous
Nicholas & Margo Snowman
The Parabola Foundation (Principal Series Supporter)
Concerto Patrons
Andrew Blankfield & Bernadette Hillman
Aurora Patrons who wish to remain anonymous (2)
Nicholas & Emma Hardie
David & Eleanor Harte
Emily Ingram
Irene Mackay
The Marchus Trust
Gillian & John Shakespeare
Nicholas & Margo Snowman
Suzanne Szczetnikowicz
Louis Watt
Aurora gratefully acknowledges the additional support of Bärenreiter and Green & Fortune.